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Márta Hortobágyi Lambert was born in Greenville, North Carolina, and began her musical studies on piano and violin, later developing a love for viola. Márta received her Undergraduate training in Viola Performance from East Carolina University with Melissa Reardon and Ara Gregorian, later transferring to The Juilliard School where she studied with Misha Amory and Hsin Yun Huang. Márta earned her Graduate Degree from Yale University with Steve Tenenbom and Ettore Causa, and will graduate from The Juilliard School with a Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree under the tutelage of Roger Tapping and Steve Tenenbom in May 2024. 

Márta currently serves as the Director of Education and Community Engagement at Seattle Chamber Music Society (SCMS) where she leads the Academy for Chamber Music and curates community initiatives that aim to make classical music more accessible, relevant, and engaging to all audiences.   

A passionate educator and advocate for the arts, Márta is currently on faculty at the Academy for Chamber Music at SCMS where she coaches pre-college level chamber groups. She previously held positions teaching violin, viola, chamber music, and general music studies at the Eisman Center for Preparatory Studies in Music (ECPSM), Kinhaven Music School, St. Davids School, and Suzuki on the Island (SOTI) where she additionally served on the administrative team under the directorship of Ani Gregorian Resnick. Márta has also held fellowship positions at The Juilliard School for music theory and ear training while also engaging with younger students in public school classrooms through Juilliard's Morse Fellowship and Yale University's Music in Schools Program.


Márta’s devotion to chamber music has created opportunities to perform with members of the Cleveland, Alban Berg, Brentano, Ensō, Orion, and Daedalus String Quartets, including performances with Miriam Fried, Ida Kavafian, Colin Carr, Maria Lambros, and Michael Kannen. Márta has also performed at music festivals including Donaueschingen Musiktage, Ravinia’s Steans Music Institute, Prussia Cove, Portland Chamber Music Festival, Four Seasons-Winter Workshop, and Kneisel Hall, where she was a founding member of the prize-winning Blue Hill String Quartet.


Márta was awarded the Dean’s Prize at Yale University in May 2019 and the Presser Foundation Graduate Music Award from The Juilliard School in March 2021, and most recently received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The Juilliard School as a recipient of the C.V. Starr Fellowship and the Richard F. French Doctoral Prize for her dissertation The Viola as a Voice of Lamentation: The Story Behind the Sound.

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